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Language and Tourism

Researcher: PD Dr. Angelika Mietzner, Prof. Dr. Anne Storch, Prof. Dr. Nico Nassenstein (Mainz)

Tourism, as one of the most ubiquitous and powerful contexts of mobility and cross-linguistic interaction, is a complex context in which historically rooted entanglements (linguistically, ideologically, economically) are played out by the different participants.

A sociolinguistics of tourism increasingly needs to turn the gaze to the contexts in which power inequalities, resistance and subversion, social injustice and struggle critically define interactions. In such contexts, language may not so much be seen as monolithic structure or multilingual wealth and diversity, but as a possibility painted by ideologies and objectifications, as well as living, messy practice that facilitates quick encounters.

This project is about language in tourism: its mobilities, dynamics, ideologies and consumptions.
