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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alice Mitchell

Junior Professor for the anthropological linguistics of Africa

Postal address:
Institute for African Studies
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne

Office address:
Meister-Ekkehart-Str. 7, Room 0.04

E-mail:  alice.mitchell[at]uni-koeln.de
Phone: +49 (0)221 470 5762
Fax: +49 (0)221 470 5158

Office hours:
Appointments can be booked via ILIAS. If you think you need longer than 15 minutes, please book in for two slots.

Most Relevant Publications

Most Relevant Research Topics

  • Anthropological linguistics

  • Interactional sociolinguistics

  • Linguistic anthropology

  • Pragmatics

  • Language documentation and description

Full CV


