Dr. M. Dores Cruz

Areas of theoretical and field research: African archaeology, historical anthropology, archaeology of the recent past, political economy, ethnohistory and ethnoarchaeology, gender, ceramic studies, materiality, comparative colonialism, African anthropology.
2003 | Ph.D., Binghamton University (SUNY). Dissertation: Shaping Quotidian Worlds: Ceramic Production and Consumption in Banda, Ghana c. 1780-1994. Fields of study: Historical Anthropology, Ethnohistory, Ethnoarcharchaeology, Ceramics. |
1994 | University of Porto (Portugal) MA. Thesis: Significado Social da Cerâmica Doméstica: fundamentos para uma classificação tipológica da cerâmica de Castelo Velho (Freixo de Numão). Fields of study: Portuguese Calcolithic, Ceramics, Specialization of Production |
1987 | Conimbriga National Museum (Portugal). Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Material, and Site Structures. |
1986 | University of Coimbra (Portugal) "Licenciatura" (B.A.) in History/ Archaeology |
Research Interests and Regional Focus
Research Interests
African Historical Archaeology, Historical Anthropology, Landscape Archaeology, Archaeology of the Recent Past, Ethnohistory and Ethnoarchaeology, Materiality, Indigenous Knowledge, Social Construction of Memory, Comparative Colonialisms, Postcoloniality, Identity, Ceramic Analysis, Heritage Studies
Regional Focus
Southern and West Africa, Mozambique, Ghana, São Tomé and Príncipe, Portugal
Current Research Projects
Long-term research projects in historical anthropology and archaeology of the recent past, ethnohistory, in Mozambique, Ghana, South Africa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Portugal and the USA, addressing topics such as landscape and social construction of memory, colonialism, materiality, heritage, identity and nation, gender, African American homestead communities.
2019-Present | Bitter Island: exploring Portuguese colonial landscapes and creole practices in São Tomé (16th and 17th century): A regional, multi-scalar approach to the analysis of early plantation landscapes in the island of São Tomé; the archaeology of the origins of the Modern Atlantic world, early plantation systems, and the sugar cycle in São Tomé. Collaboration with the Department of History (University of São Tomé e Príncipe) to develop an MA program in History and Heritage, and funding applications for the preservation of the sugar plantation site of Praia Melão. Video 1 Video 2 |
2016-Present | “Terra de Heróis:” a landscape biography of Mandlakaze (Mozambique). A project on materialiy, temporal and landscape “collages.” (Book Project in progress) |
2005- Present | “Terra de Heróis:” a landscape biography of Mandlakaze (Mozambique) |
2009-Present | Colonial Landscapes in Portugal. |
Previous Research Projects
2017-2018 | Memory in the cityscape: socialist and vernacular street names in Maputo. |
2012-2015 | Rural Development policies and projects in Manjacaze (Mozambique) |
2013 | Speaking with Cloth: capulanas of Mozambique (DU Museum of Anthropology exhibition; and Anderson Commons Exhibition) |
2010-2014 | Archaeology of The Dry, an African American Homestead Community (Manzanola, SE Colorado) |
2005-2015 | Trees as ancestors: landscape and memory construction in Mandlakaze (Mozambique) |
2007 | W&M study abroad program (St. Nicolas Abbey Plantation, Barbados). |
2006-18 | Museum of the Revolution (Maputo) and construction of national identity |
2005-06 | Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology (Macupulane, Mozambique). |
2005-06 | Late Iron Age Enclosures in Mpumalanga (South Africa). |
2004-06 | Mapungubwe Collections (Univ. Pretoria, South Africa). Repatriation Committee. |
2004 | Northern Pemba (Tanzania) Archaeological Project. Field and Field School Director. |
2003-04 | New Dimensions of the African Diaspora: Ghanaian Immigrants in New York City. |
2001-04 | Portuguese Archaeological Ceramics: from the Middle Age to Modern Times. |
1998, 2007 | The Slaughtering of the Pig (Penafiel, Portugal): gendered relations of production in Northern Portugal. With Ilidio B. Pereira. |
1994-2003 | Ceramic Production in the Banda Area, Ghana. Ethnoarchaeological project. |
1991-1993 | Analysis of domestic ceramic from Castelo Velho (Freixo de Numão, Portugal). |
1991 | Ceramic Production in Raposeiras (Molelos, Portugal). Ethnographic research. With António M. Silva and Teresa P. Carvalho. |
Employment Experience
Academic work (undergraduate and graduate teaching, supervision of graduate research in cultural anthropology, African studies, archaeology, museum studies, heritage); coordination of the Master program “Culture and Environment in Africa;” coordination of Erasmus for African Studies; critical theory of museums and museum practice (e.g., development of exhibitions, collection management); heritage work and research; implementation of outreach and educational public programs; collaboration with descendent communities; ethnoarchaeological and anthropological fieldwork (e.g., survey; collection of oral traditions and history; archival research, interviews); extensive participation in conferences and invited lectures; publication in international peer reviewed publications; grant writing and funding for projects; management of funding; leading of research teams; development of new research.
present | Researcher, CEAUP (Center for African Studies, University of Porto). Non-paid affiliation. |
2023-present | Professora Convidada (Visiting Professor), University of São Tomé e Príncipe. Non-paid affiliation. |
2018-09/2023 | Researcher with Teaching function (Wissenschaftliche Angestellte) at the Institute for African Studies, University of Cologne (Germany) |
2018 | Visiting Scholar, Research Center of Social and Cultural Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz (April- May) |
2017-present | Researcher. Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne. Non-paid affiliation. |
2017 | Visiting Scholar, Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 948, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität-Freiburg |
2016-2017 | Fellow, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata, Universität zu Köln |
2016-2017 | Contributing faculty (Course developer), Master of Development Practice, Regis University |
2013-present | Researcher [“Professora Auxiliar Convidada”], Interdisciplinary Center for Evolution of Human Behavior, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal. Non-paid affiliation |
2009-2016 | Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology. Curator, Museum of Anthropology University of Denver |
2008-2009 | Visiting Professor of Anthropology, School of World Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University |
2007-2008 | Senior Researcher Associate, Department of Anthropology, College of William and Mary |
2004-06 | Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Pretoria (South Africa) |
2003-04 | Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of William and Mary |
2001-03 | Lecturer in the Africana Studies Department |
2001 | Lecturer. Cultural Resource Management. Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos (Portugal) |
1996-98 | Lecturer at Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Viseu, Portugal) |
1996 | Instructor of Record. Binghamton University |
1994 | Teaching Assistant. Binghamton University |
1989 | Instructor of Record at Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) |
1987-90 | Assistant Curator. Anthropological Museum at the University of Coimbra |
Some Grants and Fellowships
2023 | Rust Family Foundation |
2023 | Dumbarton Oaks Foundation |
2020 | Fritz Thyssen Stiftung Research Travel Grant (São Tomé e Príncipe) |
2020-22 | Global South Study Center Travel Grant (São Tomé e Príncipe) |
2017 | Visiting Scholar, Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 948 Heroes - Heroizations – Heroisms, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität-Freiburg |
2016-2017 | Internationales Kolleg Morphomata, Universität zu Köln (Center for Advanced Studies) |
2012 & 2015 | Internationalization Grant |
2012 & 2014 | CCESL Grant for Community and Service Learning project |
2013 | Marsico Visiting Scholar grant for Exhibition on African Printed Cloth |
2010-2013 | Colorado State Historical Fund Research Grant |
2009-2013 | University of Denver Professional Development and Research Grants |
2010 & 2012 | Women Librarian Association |
2009 | Visiting Scholar, University of Leicester, Center for Historical Archaeology |
2007 | Gulbenkian Foundation and Luso-American Foundation |
2005-2006 | Archaeological Institute of America, Archaeology of Portugal Fellowship |
2005-2006 | University of Pretoria Reconstruction and Development Program |
2003 | Dissertation Fellowship. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Min. Education, Portugal |
1998-2002 | Gulbenkian Foundation Fellowship |
1995 | Missouri University Research Reactor Grant and Sigma Xi Grant |
1991-1993 | Fulbright IIE Fellowship and Louise Woods Memorial Scholarship Fund |
1990-1991 | Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica and Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica. MA Scholarship. |
1984-1986 | IPPC (Portuguese Institute of Cultural Resources, archaeological research grant) |
Books and Book Projects
- In Progress. “Terra de Heróis:” a landscape biography of Mandlakaze (Mozambique)
- 2022. Scale Matters: the quality of quantity in human culture and sociality. T. Widlok & M. Dores Cruz (eds.). Bielefeld, Transcript
- 2007 (with collaboration of V. Correia) Normas de Inventário de Cerâmicas Arqueológicas. Lisbon, Instituto de Museus e Conservação.
Articles and Book Chapters
- In prep. “Doce Inferno do Engenho:” São Tomé’s Sugar Mills and colonial landscapes in the making of the modern Atlantic Word (16th-17th century). South African Archaeological Bulletin. To be submitted for publication Winter 2024.
- In prep. Imagining Empire: materiality and the construction of Portuguese colonialism at Portugal dos Pequenitos, a children’s park in Coimbra. To be submitted to Journal of Public History
- 2024. (With Larissa Thomas). Unearthing the Origins of Plantation Slavery in São Tomé. SAPIENS, March 19, 2024.
- 2023. Bitter Legacy: archaeology of early sugar plantation and slavery in São Tomé e Príncipe. Antiquity, 97 (395): e30: 1-8.
- 2023. One size does not fit all: theory and practice of decolonizing archaeology in Africa. In FKA (Forum Critical Archaeology), 2023. Special issue: Activist Archaeology: 6-11.
- 2022. Fractured landscapes and the politics of space: remembrance and memory in Nwadjahane (Southern Mozambique). Museum Anthropology, 45 (1): 57-71
- 2022. São Tomé, die Wiege der Plantagensklaverei in der Zuckerwirtschaft der kolonialen Welt. DASP-Heft [Deutsche Gesellschaft für afrikanische Staaten portugiesischer Sprache], 197: 7-37.
- 2014. The nature of culture: sites, ancestors and trees in the archaeology of Southern Mozambique. In The Archaeology of the Colonized and its Contributions to Global Archaeological Theory. Neil Ferris and Rodney Harrison (eds). Oxford Press: 123-149.
- 2014. Gendered Taskscapes: Food, Farming, and Craft Production in Banda, Ghana in the 18th-21st centuries (W/ Amanda Logan, Michigan Univ.). In Comparing Craft and Culinary Practice, a special issue of African Archaeological Review, 31: 203-231
- 2013. Black homesteading in the US. Oxford African American Studies Center.
- 2011. Pots are pots, not people: material culture and ethnic identity in the Banda area (Ghana), 19th and 20th centuries. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, Vol. 46 (3), Dec. 2011: 336-357
- 2009. “Portugal Gigante”: Nationalism, Motherland and Colonial Encounters in Portuguese School Textbooks. Habitus Revista [2007], Instituto Goiano de Pré-História e Antropologia, Universidade Católica de Goias, Brazil, 5 (2): 395-422.
- 2008. Ceramic Production, Consumption and Exchange in the Banda Area (Ghana). Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 27: 363-381. (With Ann Stahl et al.)
- 2006. Macupulane Revisited: ceramic production fifty years after Margot Dias. Conimbriga, 45:
377-395. - 1999. “Um Pai-Nosso e uma Avé Maria a Santo António pelos nossos bichinhos...”: o porco na economia doméstica de S.Martinho de Lagares (Penafiel). Mário Barroca (ed.), In Memoriam Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Almeida, Vol. 1, Porto, Faculdade de Letras: 265-278. (With Ilídio B. Pereira)
- 1997. Men and Women in a Market Economy: Gender and Production in West Central Ghana. In S. Kent (ed.), Gender in African Archaeology, Walnut Creek, Altamira Press: 205-226. (With Ann B. Stahl)
- 1997. O abandono das peças. Processos pós-deposicionais e distribuição cerâmica em povoados. In I. Fernandas e R.Teixeira (coord.), A Louça Preta em Portugal. Porto, CRAT: 121-123.
- 1995. Colecção Etnográfica. In Diamang: Estudo do Património Cultural da Ex-Companhia de Diamantes de Angola. Coimbra, Departamento de Antropologia: 29-97. (With M. R. Martins)
- 1992. Ritos e Ofícios. Algumas Notas para a Metalurgia do Ferro em Angola. Homenagem ao Professor Santos Junior, vol.2, Lisboa, IICT: 131-143.
- 1989. O Adorno Africano como Entidade Cultural. Coimbra, MLA. (With M.R. Martins)
- 1988. As Colecções do Museu e Laboratório Antropológico. Coimbra, MLA. (With M. R. Martins)
- 1988. Cestaria Tradicional em Africa. Coimbra, MLA. (With M.R. Martins)
- 1986. A Propósito de uma Inscrição Honorífica do Museu de Santarém. Arqueologia, 14: 115-121.
Some Talks and Presentations
Over 70 invited public lectures and presentations at universities, professional conferences, and community programs, addressing topics such as Landscape Anthropology; African Archaeology; Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology; African American Homesteads; Gender, Race and Development; Social Construction of Memory, Public Monuments and Toponymy. Many of the lectures and conference papers are developed into publications or integrated into my book project.
2024 | (With A. Castilla-Beltrán et al.). First Paleoenvironmental and archaeological investigations in the Gulf of Guinea Islands and their potential to reveal land use change and human impacts. Spring Conference of the Association of Environmental Archaeology. Faro, May 3-5. | |
2024 | Up From the Ruins: archaeology in the making in São Tomé (São Tomé e Príncipe). 57th Annual Conference, Society for Historical Archaeology, Oakland, January 3-6. | |
| “Doce Inferno do Engenho:” archaeology of São Tomé’s sugar mills in the construction of colonial landscapes and the making of the modern Atlantic Word (16th-17th century). African Studies Association, Nov-Dec. | |
2023 | Panel Org. (with Nik Petek-Sargeant and Oula Seitsonen) Landscapes and archaeologies of present communities: novel engagements towards enriching global and local histories, 29th EAA meeting. | |
2023 | Ghosts of a Ruin: place, materiality, and memory at the edge of empire. (with M. Nazaré Ceita, USTP) ECAS 2023, June 1. | |
2023 | "Doce Inferno do Engenho:" Praia Melão e os engenhos de açúcar de São Tomé na construção do mundo Atlântico (século XVI-XVII). (with M.Nazaré Ceita, USTP), March 14, Instituto Camões, São Tomé | |
2022 | Historical Archaeology: Global alterities and affinities. Panel Organization (With Natalie Swanepoel, University of South Africa). World Archaeological Congress, July 3-8. | |
2021 | Bitter Island: exploring Portuguese colonial landscapes and creole practices in São Tomé (16th-17th century), Durham University, October 27 | |
2020 | Sugar, identity and class: São Tomé and Príncipe in the making of the early modern Atlantic world. Archaeological Institute of America, October 3. | |
2019 | “Do outro lado do mundo:” arqueologia no território dos antepassados. Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Afrikanischen Staaten Portugiesischer Sprache (German Society for the African Countries of Portuguese Language. Berlin, November 27. | |
2019 | Contested Landscapes: colonial and post-colonial historical archaeologies in Southern Mozambique. Prähistorisches Kolloquium, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Köln. July 1. | |
2019 | Heróis nacionais como Antepassados: re-pensar localmente narrativas de libertação nacional no Sul de Moçambique. Invited Lecture. São Tomé University, March 26. | |
2018 | Materializing Empire: colonial imagination and ideology in Portugal dos Pequenitos, a Estado Novo children’s park in Coimbra. Univ. Mainz, May 9. | |
2018 | “A Luta Continua:” hegemonic culture and the nationalized past at the Museum of Revolution (Maputo, Mozambique). Workshop on Public History. Freie Universität ,Berlin. April 19. | |
2018 | Hegemonic Culture: the Museum of Revolution in Maputo. Afrika Kolloquium, Goethe Universität. January 25 | |
| Walking the socialist city: epistemology and ideology of commemorative street names in Maputo. Guest lecture, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Kolloquium: Erinnerung in der Stadt: Die Bedeutung von Straßennamen und –umbenennungen, January 21. | |
| Heroes and Martyrs: memories of war and violence in Mozambican politics of nation building. SFB 948 Jahreskonferenz (guest speaker), January 13. | |
| Ancestor(s) cult and hero worship: narrating the local and the national in Mandlakazi (Southern Mozambique). SFB 948 Plenum, University of Freiburg, December 11 | |
2017 | Walking the socialist city: epistemology and ideology of commemorative street names in Maputo. Workshop: After Socialism: forgotten legacies and possible futures in Africa and beyond. Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, October 13-14. | |
2017 | Critical Discourse and Inequalities: Perspectives from the "Lusophone Global South." Invited participation. Portuguese Language and Culture program at the University of Cologne. September 25-26 | |
2017 | Past Heroes, Future identities: a heritage landscape biography in Mandlakazi . Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, July 27. | |
| National Heroes as Ancestors: locally re-thinking liberation struggle narratives in Southern Mozambique. Morphomata Annual Conference (Theme: Competing Perspectives: Figures of Image Control), Köln, July 3-6. | |
| Images of Power and the Power of Images: How is Image Control produced, subverted or countered? Panel organizer, with Thomas Widlok. Morphomata Annual Conference (Theme: Competing Perspectives: Figures of Image Control), Köln, July 3-6 |
2017 | Toponimy of the city and the theater of memory: commemorative street names in Maputo during the colonial and socialist periods. European Conference in African Studies (ECAS), Basel, July 1. | |
| Imagining the colonial nation: a landscape of empire in Portugal dos Pequenitos (Portugal), Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History. Umeå, June 27. | |
2017 | “Terra de Heróis:”* a landscape biography of Manjacaze (Mozambique). Morphomata Lecture, Köln. June 12-13. | |
| Dress Matters: transcultural perspectives on belonging and distinction. Morphomata Workshop (concept developer and organizer). Köln, June 1. | |
| Materiality, belonging, and the activation of difference. Panel discussant. American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis, November 2016. | |
| “Terra de heróis:” collage and multitemporality in Mandlakazi (Mozambique). Society for Africanist Archaeologists, June 28. | |
2016 | UnAfrican desires? Where do African intimacies and non-western gender views fit? In Panel: Internationalization and Gay Identity. April 15. | |
2016 | Learning, not saving. An international project. Paper presentation. 3rd Internationalization Summit, University of Denver, April 15 | |
| Against the Colonizing Gaze: intercultural learning and ethics of internationalization. Panel organizer. 3rd Internationalization Summit, University of Denver, April 15 | |
| After-school Program in Manjacaze, November. | |
2015 | “Do Outro Lado do Mundo:” arqueologia no território dos antepassados. Department of Archaeology, University of Algarve, March 18 | |
| Landscape, memory and colonial encounters in Mozambique (19th – 21st centuries), Archaeology of Portugal Lecture (Fresno, Portland and Boulder) | |
2014 | Pots are pots, not people: material culture and ethnic identity in the 19th-20th centuries , AIA Lecture Program 2013/2014, March | |
2014 | Mozambique; a tale of two countries. Rotary Club of Englewood, October | |
2014 | The Dark Side of Development: gender and race at play in rural Mozambique, September, 30 | |
| Mobility and Authority in Africa Panel and Workshop Discussion, Rice University, March. This panel will lead to an edited volume. Invited participation. | |
| Contesting Empire: power, resistance and the Gaza-Nguni as invaders in Southern Mozambique. African Studies Association, Nov. 29 (in Panel: Settling Mobility, Moving Authority) | |
2013 | When “Mother” is respect and power: engendering narratives in African archaeology. TAG, May 9-11 (Invited contribution, Panel organized by Suzanne Spencer-Wood) | |
2012 | Of Place and Power: landscape archaeology and contested narratives in Southern Mozambique, Society for Africanist Archaeologists, Toronto, June 20-24. | |
| Panel org. “There were no trees:” Archaeology at The Dry, an African American homesteading community in Southeast Colorado; papers by M.D. Cruz, Jessica Unger (Brown University) and Jennifer Moon (University of Denver), Colorado Preservation, Inc. Saving Places Conference, Denver, February 2. | |
2012 | “There were no trees:” archaeology of an African American homesteading community (Manzanola, Colorado). Society for Historical Archaeology, Baltimore, January 7 (w/ Jessica Unger and M. Slaughter). | |
2012 | Of Soldiers and Savages: social violence and memory in the age of Portuguese empire. Society for Historical Archaeology, Baltimore, January 6. | |
| Sites, ancestors and trees: landscapes of historical archaeology in Southern Mozambique. Archaeological Institute of America, Denver Chapter. Nov. 6 | |
2011 | Archaeology at The Dry. International Day of Archaeology. Public Presentation at the BAIE Center, Rocky Ford. July 29. | |
2011 | Pots are pots, not people: material culture and ethnic identity in the 19th-20th centuries. Society for Historical Archaeology, Jan 2011. | |
2010 | Once upon a far, far away land: a small place with a many histories or multiple narratives in Manjacaze (Mozambique). Society for Historical Archaeology, Jan 2010. | |
2009 | The Nature of Culture: sites, ancestors and trees in the archaeology of Southern Mozambique. Society for Historical Archaeology, Jan. 2009. | |
2008 | (w/ Pedro Redol) War, Death and Destiny: the monastery of Batalha (Portugal) as a stage of remembrance and identity. Society for Historical Archaeology, Jan. 2009 | |
2008 | Portugal de Aquém e Além-Mar: material culture and Portuguese colonialism (1926-1974). Society for American Archaeology, Vancover, April 2008 | |
2007 | “Portugal Gigante:” nationalism, motherland and colonial encounters in Portuguese school books. American Anthropological Association, Washington DC, November 29. | |
2007 | Archaeology in Manjacaze (Mozambique). College of William and Mary, February 21. | |
2006 | Memória e Pós-colonialidade em Moçambique. Univ. Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), August 28; and Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), December 14. | |
2006 | Archaeology, Memory and Post-coloniality in Manjacaze (Mozambique). ASAPA, Pretoria. | |
2006 | “We Prefer Metal Pots:” ceramic production in Banda (Ghana). South African Archaeological Society, Trans-Vaal Branch, August 7. | |
2005 | Produção e consumo de cerâmicas de uso quotidiano: um estudo etnoarqueológico no centro-oeste do Gana (Séculos XVIII-XX). Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo, Mozambique). August 24. | |
2005 | Making Material Culture: socio-economic dynamics of technology in Banda (Ghana). 12th Congress of the Pan-African Archaeological Association (Gaborone, Botswana). July 4. | |
2005 | “Women spin and men weave:” gendered relations of labor in Banda (West-central Ghana) c. 1900-1994. Paper presented at the Gender Studies Seminar, University of Pretoria. April 15. |
Degree supervision
Ph. D. Dissertations
- Sarah Neeley, Iliff School of Theology (2013- 2018)
- John Kwame River, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, 2013
- S. Krusemark, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, 2009-2010
Honors Theses
- Anna Arvidon (2015-16)
- Joie Ha (2014-2015)
- Tsion Goytom (2014-2015)
- Margaret Miller (2011-2012)
- C. Rossouw, Cindy Nelson, Adele Le Roux, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Pretoria, 2004-2005
- Delia DeLang and Hannly Coetze. Geography Department. University of Pretoria, 2005.
Master Theses
- Megan McCoy (2011-2015; Museum Studies)
- Rebekah Marsh (2014-2016; Socio-cultural anthropology)
- Kevin Ritt (2014-2016; Socio-cultural anthropology)
- Taylor Morrison (2013-2016; Socio-cultural Anthropology)
- Toyin Quichocho (2012-2016; Socio-cultural Anthropology)
- Angela Rueda (2012-2014; Museum Studies)
- Carly Santoro (2011-Winter 2014; Socio-cultural Anthropology)
- Jennifer Moon (2010-2016; Historical Archaeology)
- Dionisia Mathios (2012-2015; Museum Studies)
- Barbabara Guglieminotti (2011-Winter 2014; Socio-cultural Anthropology)
- Cornelia Frewn (2009-2012; Museum Studies)
- Mary Connell (2010-2013; Historical Archaeology)
- Mahshid Zandi (2009-2014; Socio-Cultural Anthropology)
- Robin Locke and Alison Rexroth, University of Denver, (2010)
- C. Kotzeen, N. Kruger and X. Anthonites (2006; Archaeology)
- Cindy Nelson (2006; Archaeology). Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Pretoria, 2004-2006
Independent Study and Research in Other Departments
- Sarah Neeley and Becky Chabot (Ph.D., Iliff School of Theology)
- Jesse Morgan (MA, Media, Film and Journalism Studies)
- Jessica Unger (John Nicholas Brown MA program in Public Humanities, Brown University)
- Eric deCampos (Joseph Korbel School of International Studies)
Taught courses in areas of Socio-Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology, Museum and Heritage Studies, African Studies, Material Culture, Memory and Memorialization, Landscape Anthropology, and Ethnoarchaeology.
- Places, Monuments, Landscapes: postcolonialism and the politics of space in nation building
- Context of Material Culture (The Social Life of Things)
- Critical Perspectives in Museum Studies and Heritage
- Landscape Anthropology
- Anthropology of Colonialism
- Anthropological Theory and Practice
- Introduction to Anthropology (four-fields)
- Pioneers of Anthropology (Women in Anthropology)
- Ethnographic methods
- Gender in Cross-Cultural perspectives
- Dynamics of Culture Change (Colonialism)
- Peoples and Cultures of Africa
- Gender and Power in Africa
- Introduction to Africana Studies
- Africa: peoples and cultures
- Memory and Memorialization
- Ethnoarchaeology and Ethnohistory