Janine Traber
E-Mail: j.traber[at]uni-koeln.de
PhD candidate
Co-editor of the peer reviewed online journal The Mouth
Current Project
Working title: The material culture of Senegalese migration and European tourism: evidence of encounter
Supervised by: Prof. Anne Storch (University of Cologne), Prof. Nick Shepherd (Aarhus University) and PD Angelika Mietzner (University of Cologne)
Funded by: A scholarship from the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne and the Leibniz Prize (Prof. Anne Storch)
- Since 2021: PhD candidate (scholarship from the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne).
- 2017 – 2020: M.A. African Studies & Egyptology, University of Cologne (Thesis: Die Nachnutzung ptolemäischer Monumentalbauten: Der Raum J 3 des Repit-Tempels von Athribis im Kontext).
- 2013 – 2017: B.A. African Studies & Egyptology and Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Cologne (Thesis: Ägyptische Häfen der Bronzezeit).
- Storch, Anne & Janine Traber. 2021. Obsessive encounters. A case study from Mallorca on language and fetishization in tourism. Afrikanistik Aegyptologie Online, Vol. 2021.
- Traber, Janine. 2020. The archaeology of intimacy in El Arenal. The Mouth 7.
- Traber, Janine. 2020. The sexy banana – artifacts of gendered language in tourism. In Nassenstein, Nico & Anne Storch, Swearing and Cursing – Contexts and Practices in a Critical Linguistic Perspective, pp. 259 – 280. Language and Social Life, Vol. 22. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Traber, Janine. 2019. ‘Silence is the best language‘ – sound as taboo in tourism. The Mouth 4: 193 – 203.
- Traber, Janine. 2017. Der Verkauf von Verkehr. The Mouth 2: 59 – 77.
- Storch, Anne, Angelika Mietzner, Nico Nassenstein, Janine Traber & Nina Schneider. 2017. Normaliminalities: Artefacts from various Souths and Norths. The Mouth 1: 1 - 171.
- 08.11.2019. “Alles putzig!” – Sprache und Subversion im archäologischen Paradies. Tagung: „Sprache PREP Paradies“, organized by Storch, Anne & Angelika Mietzner, Köln, 08.-09.11.2019.
- 14.10.2018. The archaeology of intimacy in the tourism space. Conference on “Language and intimacy: discourses and narratives”, El Arenal, 13.-14.10.2018, organized by Storch, Anne, Nico Nassenstein & Janine Traber.
- 27.7.2018. Gender and power: tourists and migrants. Cologne Summer School on Challenges and Opportunities for a Multilingual Society, Cologne, 24.7.-08.08.18
- 04.07.2018. Sexy Banana: Artifacts of gendered language in tourism. International Conference of Linguists (ICL20), Cape Town, 1.-6.07.18
- 01.03.2018. Helmut and XXX. Inclusion and Exclusion of Identities in Tourism. Conference on “Talk and Silence: Language in Colonial Contexts”, American University in Cairo, 28.02.-01.03.2018, organized by Storch, Anne, Reem Bassiouney & Eeva Sippola.
- 01.10.2017. Silence as taboo in Kenyas tourism. Conference on “The secret and the sacred: working out hidden knowledge”, Spa, 30.09.-01.10.2017, organized by Storch, Anne & Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald.
- 05.07.2017. Mit Hollington, Andrea, Angelika Mietzner, Nico Nassenstein & Anne Storch. Past Present: Partizipatorische Tourismusforschung in Kairo. Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Afrikanistik & Ägyptologie.