Prof. Dr. Thomas Widlok
Professor of the cultural anthropology of Africa
E-mail: thomas.widlok[at]
Phone: +49 (0)221 470 4741
Secretary: +49 (0)221 470 3504
Fax: +49 (0)221 470 5158
Office hours: Tuesday 16:00-17:00 (after prior arrangement by email)
Most Relevant Publications
- Widlok, T. 2020. "Zur Bedeutung der Sprache für die ethnologische Feldforschung" In: Bettina Beer and Anika König (eds) Methoden ethnologischer Feldforschung. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 77-90.
- Widlok, T. 2019. “The situationality of human-animal relationships.” Bielefeld: transcript. [Edited with T. Breyer]
- Widlok, T. 2017. “The anthropology of the economy of sharing.” London: Routledge
- Widlok, T. 2014. “Agency, Time and Causality.” Frontiers in Psychology 5:1264.
Most Relevant Research Topics
- Comparative ethnography of hunter-gatherers
- Social practices of sharing and (re-)distribution
- Anthropological approaches to time and place
1985–1989 | Study of Ethnology/Anthropology, Philosophy, Cath. Theology at the Universities of Münster and Cologne |
1989 | M.Sc. (with distinction) in Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University of London |
1994 | Ph.D. in Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University of London |
2004 | Habilitation in Ethnology, University of Cologne |
Academic positions
1992-1994 | PhD student, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen |
1994-1995 | Lecturer, London School of Economics and Political Science |
1995-2000 | Postdoctoral Researcher in the project “Informal social institutions” (SPP „Humanity and global environmental change“, University of Cologne) |
1998 | Visiting Professor, Graduate School for Africa & Asian Studies, Kyoto University |
2000-2002 | Senior Researcher in the project „Property Relations“, MPI for Anthropological Research, Halle |
2002-2006 | Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftl. Assistent) Institut für Ethnologie, University of Heidelberg |
2003-2006 | Senior Researcher in the project „Documentation of endangered languages“, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen |
2006 | Visiting Professor CRC “Ritual Dynamics”, University of Heidelberg |
2006-2008 | Lecturer, Dept. of Anthropology, Durham University, England |
2008-2013 | Professor for Anthropology, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands |
seit 2013 | Professor Anthropology of Africa, Institut für Afrikanistik und Ägyptologie, University of Cologne |
Additional evidence of qualification
2011-2012 | Resident Fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielfeld, Research Group “Cultural Constitution of Causal Cognition” |
2016-2017 | Resident Fellow at the International Kolleg Morphomata, Universität zu Köln |
2021-2022 | Visiting Fellow at the Department “Anthropology of Economic Experimentation" Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale |
since 2013 | Spokesperson of the Competence Area IV “Cultures and Societies in Transition”, Universität zu Köln |
since 2021 | Elected Member of the Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste |
Fields of Research
- Economic Anthropology
- Anthropology of Rituals
- Theory of Practice and Virtue Ethics
- Cultural Diversity and Universality of Space, Time, and Causality
- Comparative Hunter-Gatherer Research
New forthcoming publications
- (in press) “#African Time Making the Future legible” [co-authored with J. Knab and Ch. Van der Wulp] Submitted to African Studies
- (in press) "Imaginierte Körper und verkörperte Imagination: Diskussionen in der Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie" In: J. Schick and N. Engelhardt Erfinden, Schöpfen, Machen: Körpertechniken und Imaginationstechniken. Bielefeld: transcript
- (in press) “Economic thought, ritual and religion” In: P. Stewart and A. Strathern Palgrave Handbook of Anthropological Ritual Studies. Palgrave Macmillan
- (in press) “Cultural Relativity of time concepts” In: Anthropological Linguistics: Perspectives from Africa (ed. by N. Nassenstein, A. Mitchell and A. Hollington)
- (in press) "Original Power Pointing: Towards a Political Ethnography of the Deictic Field". Submitted to Ethnos
- (in press) “Framing the future in national parks” [co-authored with Fenny Nakanyete] In: African Futures (ed. by C. Greiner and M. Bollig)
- (in press) "Sharing" In: Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Open Access.
- (in press) "Gegenwart und Distanz: Soziale Beziehungen im deiktischen Feld." In: Deixis – Zeigen – Pointing: Ansätze zu einer phänomenologischen Anthropologie (Hg. von Erik Norman Dzwiza-Ohlsen). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
- (in press) "Approaching foreign milieus: Experiences from a joint seminar with police and ethnography" In: Policing Differences: Perspectives from Europe (ed. by T. Bierschenk et al.) [co-authored with Gisela Caldas)
- 2020. "Zur Bedeutung der Sprache für die ethnologische Feldforschung" In: Bettina Beer and Anika König (eds) Methoden ethnologischer Feldforschung. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 77-90.
- 2020. "Sharing, Presence and the Built Environment. Built environment". Special Issue on Space-Sharing Practices in the City. Built Environment 46/1: 28-39.
- 2020. "Who is poor and what is poverty anyway?" In: R. Bussmann and T. Helms (eds.) Poverty and Inequality in Early Civilizations. Bonn: Habelt, pp. 119-127.
- 2020. "Hunting and gathering" In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Open Access
- 2019. “The situationality of human-animal relationships.” Bielefeld: transcript. [Edited with T. Breyer]
- 2019. "Extending and limiting selves: a processual theory of sharing." In: Noa Lavi and David Friesem (eds) Towards a Broader View of Hunter-Gatherer Sharing. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
- 2019. "Einführung in das Schwerpunktheft 'Teilen und Zusammenlegen'“ Paideuma 65:133-138.
- 2019. "Die Praxis des Teilens". Paideuma 65:157-172.
- 2019. "Deling som en alternativ okonomisk aktivitet". In: Anders Hansen and Susanne Hojlund, Cecil Pallesen, Mikkel Rytter (eds) Hvad vi deler. Antropologiske perspektiver pa deling, pp. 33-53 Aarhus: Universitetsforlag.
- 2019. "Sharing as an alternative economic activity". In: Russel Belk, Giana Eckhardt and Fleura Bardhi, Handbook of the Sharing Economy. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. 27-37
- 2019. "Size matters: Upscaling and downscaling images in Africa (and elsewhere)". Morphomata Yearbook. Competing Perspectives: Figures of Image Control, Günter Blamberger and Dietrich Boschung (eds.) 339-353. Paderborn: Brill/Fink
- 2019. "The world as garden, laid in value chains". Environmental History. Special Issue. Environmental History, Volume 24, Issue 4, October 2019, Pages 665–735,
- 2019. "Domesticating categories of the wild environment: Eliciting cultural models of nature among Hai//om". In: Giovanni Bennardo (Hg.) Cultural Models of Nature. New York: Routledge. 219-228
- 2019. "Human-lion relations". In: Thiemo Breyer und Thomas Widlok (Ed.) The situationality of human-animal relations. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 203-.219
- 2019. "Anders teilen – anders Wirtschaften?" In: Braun, Karl, Claus-Marco Dieterich, Johannes Moser und Christian Schönholz "Wirtschaften. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven." Wirtschaften. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Marburg: MAKUFEE. 36-54.
- 2019. "L’incertitude morale et L’immédiateté éthique". In: Monica Heintz and Isabelle Rivoal (eds) Morale et cognition. À l’èpreuve du terrain. Colloque de Cerisy. P. 101-124. Paris: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre.
- 2018. "A practice approach to Hai//om storytelling." In: Linguistics across Africa
Festschrift for Rainer Vossen, Quellen zur Khoisan-Forschung. Köln: Köppe. Beyer, Klaus, Gertrud Boden, Bernhard Köhler & Ulrike Zoch (Hrsg.) 40 Jahre Afrikanistik: Festschrift für Rainer Vossen. Köln: Köppe. - 2018. "Storage",The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Wiley.
- 2018. "Sharing",The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Wiley.
- 2018. "Learning how to share". In: Mark LeBar (Hg.) Justice. Pp 93-117New York: Oxford University Press.
- 2018. “Seeking common cause between Cognitive Science and Ethnography: a role for a nonmonotonic logic in cooperative action” Journal of Culture and Cognition. [with K. Stenning] , Volume 18, Issue 1-2, pages 1 – 30
A more comprehensive list of publications is available at
PhD supervision
last 5 years:
- Kira Eghbal-Azar · Affordances, Appropriation and Experience at Museum Exhibitions: From (Eye) Movement Patterns to Exhibition Visit Scripts · 2010-2016
- Dörte Weig · Motility and Relational Mobility of the Baka in North-Eastern Gabon · 2010-2013
- Willem Jacobus Smit · The Violent Revival of Ukuthwala: Understanding the Re-Emergence and Transformation of a Marriage Custom in post-1996 South Africa · 2012-2017
- Fabienne Brauckmann · The Bayso and Haro of the Abbaya Lake in the Ethiopian Rift Valley · laufend
- Charlie Goodwin · Loss of cultural knowledge among Namibian San · laufend
- Enid Guene · An ethnohistorical study of Dorobo groups in Kenya · laufend
- Martin Solich · Multi-Agent Simulation of Hunter-Gatherer Mobility · laufend
- Joachim Knab · Clashes of temporalities in nature-conservation : The case of the Salambala Conservancy in Namibia · laufend
- Tanja Theißen · Von Jagenden und Gejagten. Die Jagd in Deutschland als kulturelle Praxis · laufend
- Stephan Henn · Agent-based modelling and anthropology · laufend
- Sina Pfister · Relating to nature – Making sense of natural hazards and the environment in Constitución, Chile · laufend
Recent Third-Party Funding
2002-2008 | DOBES Programme VW-Stiftung Project “=Akhoe Hai//om: A documentation of language and cultural practices“ |
2009-2021 | SFB/CRC 806 “Our Way to Europe”, Project “Anthropological Models: A Recon-struction of the First African Frontier” |
2013-2015 | Cultural Models of Nature Across Cultures, National Science Foundation Grant BCS-1330637 (in conjunction with Northern Illinois University) |
seit 2018 | SFB/CRC 228 “Future Rural Africa” Project “Temporal Frames of Refernce in Land Conversions” |
Current Projects
Since 2018. "Temporal Frames of Refernce in Land Conversions", Project of SFB/CRC 228 "Future Rural Africa"
2009-2021. "Anthropological Models: A Recon-struction of the First African Frontier", Project of SFB/CRC 806 "Our Way to Europe"