Prof. Dr. Angelika Mietzner
Phone number at the institute: +49.221.470.3884
Office hours: see Student advisory service
E-Mail: a.mietzner[at]
- 2017 – now. Research fellow. University of Cologne. Institute for African Studies and Egyptology.
- 2018. Habilitation / Postdoctorate. University of Cologne. Thesis: ”Cherang’any. A Kalenjin Language of Kenya“.
- 2014 – 2016. Research fellow at the German Research Foundation research project: Die Sprache der Cherang’any. Gelebte Sprache, Kultur und Sprachkontakt in einem kolonialen Konstrukt (DFG).
- 2011 – 2014. Research fellow at the German Research Foundation research project: Die Marakwet-Sprachen (Süd-Nilotisch): Deskription und Vergleich (DFG).
- 2009. PhD, University of Cologne. Thesis: “Räumliche Orientierung in nilotischen Sprachen: Raumkonzepte – Direktionalität – Perspektiven“.
- 2006 – 2008. Research fellow at the German Research Foundation research project: Flussläufe als Korridore der Transmission typologischer Merkmale in den Sprachen Zentral-Westafrikas und Ostafrikas (DFG). University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Anne Storch.
- 2002 –2004. Research fellow at the German Research Foundation research project: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur diachronen Stratifizierung des Sprachkontakts in der Sahel- und Sudanzone. Das Wortgut und seine räumliche Verteilung innerhalb des Mande, Tschadischen, Kuschitischen, Omotischen und Nilotischen (DFG). University of Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Rainer Vossen.
- 1997 – 1998. Research fellow at the University of Bayreuth; Prof. Dr. Franz Rottland.
Current Projects
- Since 2024. Grammar of a Space – The grammar of the village of Tiwi on the south coast of Kenya
- Since 2018. Heilige und Sünderinnen: Stimmen kenianischer Frauen im philanthropischen Tourismus
- Since 2017. Bad language: noises, silences, ruptures
- Since 2017. Kritische Afrikanistik
- Since 2016. Language and Tourism
Finished Projects
- 2016-2020. Tourism, Language and Migration in Mallorca
- 2014-2015. Die Sprache der Cherang’any. Gelebte Sprache, Kultur und Sprachkontakt in einem kolonialen Konstrukt (DFG)
- 2011-2014. Die Marakwet-Sprachen (Süd-Nilotisch): Deskription und Vergleich (DFG)
- 2006-2008. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin von Prof. Anne Storch (Köln) im Forschungsprojekt Flussläufe als Korridore der Transmission typologischer Merkmale in den Sprachen Zentral-Westafrikas und Ostafrikas (DFG).
- 2002-2004. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin von Prof. Rainer Vossen (Frankfurt) im Forschungsprojekt Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur diachronen Stratifizierung des Sprachkontakts in der Sahel- und Sudanzone. Das Wortgut und seine räumliche Verteilung innerhalb des Mande, Tschadischen, Kuschitischen, Omotischen und Nilotischen (DFG).
Research Focus
- Nilotic Languages (Nilo-Saharan)
- Language in Tourism
- Language as social practice
- Anthropological Linguistics
- Philanthropic Tourism in Africa
- Kenya
Interdisciplinary Research
- WS 2016/2017. Anthropologische Linguistik
- SS 2016. Selbständige Studien
- SS 2016. Tourismus und koloniale Mimesis - Workshop
- SS 2016. Macht, Tourismus, Gender (mit Anne Storch)
- SS 2016. Nilo-Saharanische Sprachen: Auf der Suche nach Schätzen in "Greenbergs Mülleimer"
- SS 2015. Gender Studies and Queer Studies: Linguistische Perspektiven (mit Anne Storch)
- SS 2013. Gliederung der Sprachen Afrikas. Einführungsseminar
- SS 2012. Gliederung der Sprachen Afrikas. Einführungsseminar
- WS 2009/2010. Hin und her. Richtungsanzeigende Morpheme in afrikanischen Sprachen
- SS 2009. Nilotisch: Sprache Geschichte und Gegenwart
- WS 2008/2009. Kulturen Nubiens und des Sudan im Kontext
- SS 2008. Pronomina in afrikanischen Sprachen
- WS 2007/2008. Raum und Deixis in afrikanischen Sprachen
- 2021. The Impact of Tourism in East Africa: A Rouinous System. (with Anne Storch). Bristol: Channel View Publications.
- 2016. Cherang’any - A Kalenjin Language of Kenya. Köln: Köppe.
- 2013. Cherang’any–English and English–Cherang’any Dictionary. Köln: Köppe.
- 2009. Raum und Deixis in nilotischen Sprachen: Raumkonzepte – Direktionalität – Perspektiven. Köln: Köppe.
Edited Volumes
- 2019. Mietzner, A. & A. Storch (eds.). Linguistic Entanglements, Emblematic Codes and Representation in Tourism. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
- 2015. Mietzner, A. & A. Storch (eds.): Nilo-Saharan Languages: Description and Modelling. Köln: Köppe.
- 2012. Mietzner, A. & U. Claudi (eds.): Directionality in Grammar and Discourse: Case Studies from Africa. Köln: Köppe.
- 2007. Mietzner A. and Y. Treis (Eds.): Encoding motion. Case studies from Africa. APAL Nr. 5.
- 2000. „Mehr als nur Worte..." Afrikanistische Beitäge. zum 65. Geburtstag von Franz Rottland. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. (Mitherausgeber Rainer Vossen und Antje Meissner)
- 2021. (with Christine Rottland). The language of sharing practices among the Digo community in Tiwi, Kenya. The Mouth 9, 32-47.
- 2021. Tomorrow Means No: The Transfer of Swahili Linguistic Practices into Tourist Settings. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics, 4, 13–29.
- 2021. Phantasy, Resistance and Alienation in Language and Discourse: An Introduction (with Sara Zavaree, Anne Storch, Nico Nassenstein, Andrea Hollington). Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics, 4, 1–12.
- 2020. Beaches of Hope, Beaches of Despair (with Anne Storch). The Mouth 7: 158-208.
- 2020. Black Panther und Wakanda. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung (with Axel Fleisch). In: Fleisch, A., A. Mietzner, N. Nassenstein & A.Storch (eds). Worte, Stimmen, Räume. Eine Einladung. The Mouth special issue 4: 73-108.
- 2020. Found and lost paradise: Bad language at a beach in Diani, Kenya. In: Nassenstein, Nico & Anne Storch (Eds.). Swearing and Cursing – Contexts and Practices in a Critical Linguistic Perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 239-258.
- 2019. (with Anne Storch). This is not about cannibals. The Mouth 4, pp. 173-191.
- 2019. Cameras as barriers of understanding: Reflections on a philanthropic journey to Kenya. In: Mietzner, A. & A. Storch. Language and Tourism in Postcolonial settings. Bristol: Channel View Publications, pp. 66-80.
- 2019. (with Anne Storch). Linguistic entanglements, emblematic codes and representation in tourism: Introduction. In: Mietzner, A. & A. Storch. Language and Tourism in Postcolonial settings. Bristol: Channel View Publications, pp. 1-17.
- 2019. Secrecy, sacredness and unveiling of the Kalenjin cultural initiation rites. In: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. et al. Creativity in Language. Special issue of International Journal of Language and Culture 6:1. Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 63-82.
- 2018. (mit Anne Storch). Everyday rituals: On describing language, and on being indirect in Nilotic. In: Schröder, Helga & Prisca Jerono (Eds.). Nilo-Saharan Issues and Perspectives, (NILO-SAHARAN Linguistic Analyses and Documentation, Volume 30), Cologne: Köppe, pp. 211-224.
- 2018. (with Bonciana Lisanza). Tuk-tuk slogans in the coastal towns of Kenya: A glimpse behind communication practices on three wheels. The Mouth 3, pp. 140-153.
- 2017. Malleable Words (mit A. Storch, N. Nassensten, J. Traber & N. Schneider). The Mouth 1, pp. 12-19.
- 2017. Mein Ballermann - Eine hervorragende Fernbeziehung. The Mouth 2, pp. 33-45.
- 2017. Emotion and Society. Experiences from Cherang’any (Kalenjin). In: Storch, Anne. Consensus and Dissent: Negotiating Emotion in the Public Space. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- 2015. The philosophy of walking: motion and the verbs of walking in Cherang’any (Kalenjin). In: Storch, Anne & A. Mietzner (eds.). Nilo-Saharan Languages: Description and Modelling. Cologne: Köppe, pp. 199-210.
- 2015. Place names and place naming strategies in the Kalenjin (S. Nilotic) cultural landscape, with special focus on the Cherang’any. In: Osamu Hieda (ed.) 2015. Information Structure and Nilotic Languages (Studies in Nilotic Linguistics. Vol. 10). Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, pp. 209-223.
- 2012. Spatial orientation in Nilotic languages and the forces of innovation. In: Mietzner, A. and U. Claudi (Eds.) 2012. Directionality in grammar and discourse: case studies from Africa. Cologne: Köppe, pp. 165-175.
- 2009. Räumliche Orientierung in nilotischen Sprachen: Raumkonzepte - Direktionalität – Perspektiven. Köln: Köppe.
- 2007. Expressions of Cardinal directions in Nilotic and in Ubangian languages. In: SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics Vol 4, No. 3, Pp. 17-31. Online Publikation [mit Helma Pasch]
- 2007. Location, motion and movement in Keyo (Southern Nilotic). In: APAL 5, pp. 145-16
- 2006. Himmelsrichtungen in nilotischen und tschadischen Sprachen. In: Seifert, Marc et al. (Hrsg.) Beiträge zur 1. Kölner Afrikawissenschaftlichen Nachwuchstagung (KANT I). Online Publikation [mit Susanne Rous].
- The Mouth – Critical Studies on Language, Culture and Society. Online journal.
- Nilo-Saharan. Köln: Köppe.
- 2003–2007. APAL (Annual Publication in African Linguistics). Publikation des Instituts für Afrikanistik, Köln.
- 1995–1999. AAP (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere). Publikation des Instituts für Afrikanistik, Köln.
- 2003. Jouni Filip Maho & Bonny Sands: The languages of Tanzania: A bibliography. In: APAL 1, 2003.
- 2007. Pakia, Mohamed: African traditional plant knowledge today. An ethnobotanical study of the Digo at the Kenya Coast. Münster: LIT 2006. In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung No. 6.
- 2023. “Who are the guardians of knowledge? Exploring the (non-)importance of documentation in a Cherang'any village”. Workshop: Reconfiguring Language Preservation and Protecting Language-related Social Practices and Spaces. JGU Mainz, 1 December 2023
- 2023. “A walk through Kaya Kinondo in Kenya”. Conference: Hidden, Sacred and Magical Semiotic Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Kloster Lorsch, 19. – 21.07.2023
- 2023. “The power of silence - communicating the uncommunicable through leso clothing in Kenya” (with Agnes Brühwiler). Conference: African Futures: ECAS Conference, Cologne.
- 2023. “How Africanistics could be a little more heavy metal-ly”. Resicency: Soy así, Amorbach 2022. Tomorrow means no: the transfer of Swahili Linguistic Practices into tourist settings. Historical language contact and emergent/emerging varieties in the Indian Ocean. University of Bremen 15th to 17th July.
- 2021. Reciprocity and the senses: a reply to mayday. With Anne Storch. Glasgow, UNESCO Chair Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts (RILA), Spring School "The Arts of Integrating: Mayday". 17- 28 May.
- 2021. Black Panther and Wakanda. A linguistic debate. With Axel Fanego Palat. University of Helsinki: Lecture Series – Narrating Africa. February.
- 2019. Die Parodie des Paradieses: Safari mit Persiflage. PREP-Paradies. Köln: 8 - 9 November.
- 2019. #archaisches Afrika - Ein kenianisches Hilfsprojekt im Spannungsfeld zwischen Realität und Darstellung. #gefällige Wissenschaft. Universität zu Köln. 13-14 März.
- 2019. (plenary) Beaches of despair, beaches of hope: language, tourism, integration? With Anne Storch. Glasgow, UNESCO Chair Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts (RILA), Spring School: THE ARTS OF INTEGRATING: LABOURING AND RESTING. 1-3 MAY 2019
- 2019. Naming, renaming and its cultural implications in Cherang’any (Kalenjin). 14th Nilo-Saharan Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, May 30th – June 1st 2019.
- 2019. Geheimnis und Geheimsprache bei den Kalenjin (Kenia). Einführungsvorlesung. Philosophische Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, 16.1.2019.
- 2018. Paradiesische Zustände. Fiese Sprache am Strand von Diani Beach, Kenia. Habilitationsvortrag. Philosophische Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, 13.6.2018.
- 2018. „Archive und Daten. Lesung und kritische Diskussion mit Tomer Gardi über „Stein, Papier. Eine Spurensuche in Galiläa“. Köln: Daten, Sammlung, Kritik: Reflexion zu Disziplinarität und Absurdität. 26.-27.04.2018.
- 2018. „Hundert Wege zu sagen, wie ich mich fühle: Die Versprachlichung von Emotionen im Cherang’any“. Afrikanistisches Kolloquium, Institut für Afrikanistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 19.1.2018.
- 2018. “The Philosophy of hakuna matata”. Cape Town: 20th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 20). 2 - 6 July 2018.
- 2018. “The wall of El Arenal – faces and phases. A video documentation”. Language and Intimacy: Discourses and Narratives. Conference: El Arenal, October 13-14, 2018.
- 2017. “Secret initiation rituals and language in Cherang’any: We are not allowed to tell you, but we agreed to tell you a little”: Australia: The Cairns Institute, Language and Culture Research Centre. Workshop: The secret and the sacred: working out the hidden knowledge
- 2017. “The Ancient Speaker: Language as dead matter” (mit Anne Storch): Limerick, International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB11), 11-15th June 2017.
- 2017. “Secrecy, sacredness and unveiling of the Kalenjin cultural initiation secret”: Workshop: Taboo in Language and Discourse. Spa, Belgien 30.09.-1.10.2017
- 2017. “The Hakuna Matata Tourist. Extreme Othering in an Extreme Setting.” Conference: The Other's Other · Performance and Representation in Language. Köln, 25-26 September 2017.
- 2016. “Facial expressions, gestures and whistled words: Alternative ways of communicating information and emotion among the Cherang'any of Kenya”: Australia: The Cairns Institute, Language and Culture Research Centre.
- 2016. “Ballermann: How a place constructs and celebrates itself”: Universität zu Köln, Workshop: Der Süden im Norden – Tourismus, Sprache und Migration in Mallorca.
- 2016. “The language of the beach: Tourism and Transgression in Kenya“:Prato, Italy The First International Conference of Cultural Linguistics
- 2016. “Philanthropic journeys: a culture and project journey to a school in Kenya”: Universität zu Köln, Workshop: Entanglements, emblematic codes and languaging in tourism.
- 2016. “North meets South: Moral threat, shame, disgust and Kenya's sex-tourism”: Universität zu Köln, Workshop: Disgust.
- 2015. “Giving the tourists pejorative nicknames: The “aggressive” language of the Kenyan Beach Boys”. Universität zu Köln, Workshop: Swearing and Cursing.
- 2015. “Emotives, Emotions and Affect in Cherang’any (Kalenjin) and the Kalenjin Wailers”: Radboud University (Nijmegen), Workshop: Exploring the Senses.
- 2015. “A Multilingual Standard: On Super-diverse Repertoires in Rural Uganda”: University of Hong Kong, The Sociolinguistics of Globalization 2015; (De)centering and (De)standardization (mit Anne Storch) (Juni).
- 2015. Plenarvortrag zusammen mit Anne Storch. University of Nairobi (Kenya), 12th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium (September).
- 2014. “A linguist’s Dilemma: A Colonial Construction in a Postcolonial Construct – the Cherang’any of Kenya”: Second Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (BCLL #2).
- 2014. “Cherang’any Wailers”: Institut für Afrikanistik und Ägyptologie (Köln), International Workshop: Consensus and Dissent: Negotiating Emotions in the Public Space.
- 2014. “When the Stomach Dries up: Expressing Emotions and Feelings in Cherang’any (Kalenjin)”: Universtät Bayreuth, 22. Afrikanistentag.
- 2014. (eingeladen) “Place Names and Place Naming Strategies in the Kalenjin (S. Nilotic) Cultural Landscape, with Special Focus on the Cherang’any”: Kyoto (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa), Workshop: Information Structure and Nilotic Languages.
- 2013. “The Philosophy of Walking: Motion and the Verbs of Walking in Cherang’any (Kalenjin)”: Universität zu Köln, 11th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium.
- 2012. “Adjektive im Cherang’any”: Universität zu Köln, 20. Afrikanistentag.
- 2012. “Polyfunctional Suffixes in Cherang’any Verbal Derivation”: University of Buea (Kamerun), 7th World Conference of African Languages (WOCAL 7).
- 2010. “Spatial Orientation in Nilotic Languages and the Forces of Innovation”: Köln (Institut für Afrikanistik), Workshop: Directionality in Grammar and Discourse: Evidence from African Languages.
- 2009. “Spatial Orientation in Nilotic Languages”: Universität zu Köln, 6th World Conference of African Languages (WOCAL 6).
- 2008. „Demonstrativpronomen in nilotischen Sprachen: Distanz und Distanzerweiterung”: Köln (Institut für Afrikanistik), 2. Kölner Afrikawissenschaftliche Nachwuchstagung (KANT II).
- 2007. “The Semantics of Directional Suffixes in Nilotic Languages”: Universität Paris , 10th Nilo -Saharan Linguistics Colloquium (NISA).
- 2007. “Intragenetic and Intergenetic Contact in Nilotic; Origin, Spread and Development of Semantic Extensions of Itive and Ventive”: La Trobe University Melbourne. Workshop: Language Contact along River Systems.
- 2007. “The Semantics of Directional Suffixes in Nilotic Languages”: Köln (Institut für Afrikanistik): Workshop: Semantics and Syntax of Motion.
- 2006. “Spatial Orientation and Cardinal Directions in Nilotic and in Ubangian Languages” (mit Helma Pasch): University of Addis Ababa, 5th World Conference of African Languages (WOCAL 5).
- 2006. “Himmelsrichtungen in nilotischen und tschadischen Sprachen” (mit Susanne Rous): Universität Köln, 1. Kölner Afrikawissenschaftliche Nachwuchstagung (KANT I).
2018 | Language and intimacy: discourses and narratives | N. Nassenstein | DFG |
2018 | Daten, Sammlung, Kritik: Reflexion zu Disziplinarität und Absurdität | J. Traber | DFG |
2017 | Other’s Other | A. Hollington | DFG |
2016 | Tourism, Language and Migration in Mallorca: Artefacts from Various Souths and Norths | N. Nassenstein |
2015 | Workshops Entanglements, emblematic codes and languaging in tourism. | A. Storch |
2013 | 11th Nilo-Saharan Linguistic Colloquium. | A. Storch G. Dimmendaal | Thyssen |
2010 | Directionality in Grammar and Discourse: Evidence from African Languages. | U. Claudi | Thyssen |
2007 | Semantics and Syntax of Motion | Y. Treis |