Master of Arts in Intercultural Communication and Education, University of Cologne, (Thesis: #MugabeFalls – Memes und linguistische Kreativität)
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Phonetics and Musikvermittlung, University of Cologne (Thesis: Hassrede im politischen Diskurs. Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung ausgewählter Beiträge von PEGIDA)
Gerber, Cassandra. 2023. Mama Massai: Sister Angelika und die verlorenen Krieger (2007), A missionary film that would be done differently today: a documentary film by Johannes Rosenstein. Afrikanistik Ägyptologie Online.
Gerber, Cassandra. 2020. #MugabeFalls: Internet Memes und linguistische Kreativität. The Mouth Special Issue 5.
“Souvenir T-shirt as/in semiotic landscape in Zanzibar“. Tagung: Linguistic Landscape Workshop 14, organisiert von Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 06.-08. September 2023
“‘Garbage Souvenirs’ as false salvation: defying global discourse about environmental pollution in tourist spaces“ together with Janine Traber, University of Cologne, Symposium: Towards Sustainability: New G/localizations of Consumer Experience, organisiert von University of Duisburg-Essen, 29. Juni 2023
“Resistance and Survival on a Souvenir T-Shirt”. Tagung: ECAS 9: African Futures, organisiert von University of Cologne, 31.Mai-03.Juni 2023
“Silence in Material? About colonial legacies in inaccessible places”. Tagung: Sociolinguistic Symposium 24: inside and beyond binaries, organisiert von der Universität Gent, 13-16 Juli 2022.
“Always pole pole and hakuna matata!“ - T-Shirts in Zanzibar”. Tagung: „Linguistic Landscape Online Workshop 12, organisiert von der University of Gothenburg, online, 1-3 September 2021
“Paradies Sansibar“. Tagung: „Sprache PREP Paradies“, organisiert von Prof. Dr. Anne Storch & PD Dr. Angelika Mietzner, Köln, 08.-09.11.2019
Invited Talks
“Upcycled - Uplifted? Upcycling in global tourism discourse on Unguja, Zanzibar”, in presence, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 14.12.2023
“The Souvenir T-Shirt in/as Semiotic Landscape: When material objects speak”, online, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 29.09.2022
Seminar: Sprache und Tourismus, together with Janna Perbix (University of Cologne) - WiSe 2023/24
Co-Teaching Seminar: Travel Guidebooks here and there: History, Genre, Postcolonial Perspectives, a seminar taught together with Dr. Cleopatra Chapwanya, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe and Kira Schmidt, University of the Western Cape – SoSe 2023
Co-Teaching Seminar: Travel Guidebooks here and there: History, Genre, Postcolonial Perspectives, a seminar taught together with Kira Schmidt, German Studies Department at the University of the Western Cape – SoSe 2022
Seminar: Vorbereitung des Praktikums im Bachelor EZW (Schwerpunkt Internationale Zusammenarbeit) – since WS 2019/2020 until now
Seminar: Nachbereitung des Praktikums im Bachelor EZW (Schwerpunkt Internationale Zusammenarbeit) – since SS 2020 until now