Dr. Angelika Jakobi
Tasks at the institute
Retired but still active in research
- 1971-1973 African Language Studies, Phonetics and Arabic, University of Marburg
- 1973-1977 African Language Studies, Phonetics and German Literature, University of Hamburg
- 1977 MA (Hamburg)
- Title of MA thesis: Swahili Tonbandkurse. Entwicklung von Bewertungskriterien für den Gebrauch in der Afrikanistik. [Establishing criteria to evaluate audio taped courses for teaching Swahili]
- 1986 PhD (Hamburg)
- Title of PhD thesis: A Fur Grammar. Phonology, Morphophonology and Morphology
Current Project
Research Focus
- Descriptive, documentary, and historical-comparative linguistics, language typology
- Nilo-Saharan languages, particularly Fur, Nubian, Beria (Zaghawa), Nyimang, Dinik, Amdang (Mimi)
Research Stays
- 1978/79 and 1981 on the Fur language of Darfur/Sudan
- 1986, 1987, 2000, and 2004 on the Kordofan Nubian languages in the Nuba Mountains/Sudan
- 1998/99, 2000, and 2002 on the Beria (Zaghawa) language in Chad
- 2002 on the Amdang (Mimi) language in Chad
- 2009 and 2010 on Uncunwee (Kordofan Nubian) in Sudan, http://www.uncuproject.com
Publications (Books)
- to appear. Kordofan Nubian. A synchronic and diachronic study.
- 2004. (with Joachim Crass) Grammaire du beria (langue saharienne) Avec un lexique français-beria (Nilo-Saharan, 18.). Cologne: Köppe.
- (with Tanja Kümmerle) 1993. The Nubian Languages. An Annotated Bibliography (African Linguistic Bibliographies, 5). Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe.
- 1990. A Fur Grammar. Phonology, Morphophonology and Morphology (Nilo-Saharan, 5). Hamburg: Helmut Buske.
Publications (Articles)
- Forthcoming. Verbal number and the benefactive applicative in Karko (Kordofan Nubian), Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie-Online.
- 2024. (with Elsadig Omda Ibrahim Elnur). Onomatopoea in Beria (Saharan). In Lívia Körtvélyessy and Pavol Štekauer (eds.), Onomatopoeia in the World's Languages, a Comparative Handbook. Berlin und Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 237-248.
- 2022. (with Gerrit J. Dimmendaal). Number marking in Karko and Nilo-Saharan. In Paolo Acquaviva and Michael Daniel (eds.), Number in the World's Languages. A Comparative Handbook, pp. 63-106. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter and Mouton.
- 2020c. Nubian Verb Extensions and Some Nyima Correspondences, Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies, 7, pp. 126-232.
- 2020b. (with Ali Ibrahim and Gumma Ibrahim Gulfan). Verbal Number and Grammatical Relations in Tagle. Faits de Langues, 51 (1), pp. 99–116.
- 2020a. (with Gerrit J. Dimmendaal). Eastern Sudanic. In Rainer Vossen and Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.), Oxford Handbook of African Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2019d. The Study of African Languages and Linguistics in North-Eastern Africa, subchapter 5.7 'Sudan and South Sudan', in H. Ekkehard Wolff (ed.), A History of African Linguistics, pp. 108-114. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
- 2019c. Seetzen der Sprachensammler, in Detlef Haberland (ed.), Der Orientreisende Ulrich Jasper Seetzen und die Wissenschaften (Schriften der Landesbibliothek Oldenburg 69, Oldenburger Forschungen, N.F. 35), pp. 265-298. Oldenburg: Isensee.
- 2019b. (with Gerrit J. Dimmendaal, Colleen Ahland, and Constance Kutsch Lojenga). Linguistic features and typologies in languages commonly referred to as ‘Nilo-Saharan’, in Ekkehard H. Wolff (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics, 326-381. Cambridge U.P.
- 2019a. Sudan and South-Sudan (sub-chapter in 'African Linguistics in North-Eastern and So-Called Anglophone Africa'), in Ekkehard H. Wolff (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics, 79-81. Cambridge U.P.
- 2018 (with Ali Ibrahim). Labile verbs in Tagle (Kordofan Nubian), in Gertrud Schneider-Blum, Birgit Hellwig, Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.), Nuba Mountain Language Studies, New Insights, 99-127. Köln: Köppe.
- 2017. Verbal number and transitivity in Karko (Kordofan Nubian), in: Anne Storch & Jules Jacques Coly (eds.), Pluractional verbs and verbal plurals in African languages. STUF 70: 117–142.
- 2016 (with El-Shafie El-Guzuuli). Heterosemy of case markers and clause-linkers in Andaandi (Nile Nubian), in Studies in African Linguistics 45: 161-188.
- 2015 (with Ahmed Hamdan). Number Marking on Karko Nouns, in Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies, Vol. 2, Article 13.
- 2015 (with El-Shafie El-Guzuuli). Relative Clauses in Andaandi (Nile Nubian), in Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies, Vol. 2, Article 3.
- 2015 (with Ali Ibrahim). Attributive Modifiers in Taglennaa (Kordofan Nubian), in Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies, Vol. 2, Article 9.
- 2014 (with El-Shafie El-Guzuuli). Semantic Change and Heterosemy of Dongolawi ed, in: Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies, Vol. 1, Article 6.
- 2013 (with Ali Ibrahim). The relative clause in Taglennaa (Kordofan Nubian), in: Thilo C. Schadeberg and Roger M. Blench (eds.), Nuba Mountain Languages Studies, 355-370. Köln: Köppe.
- 2013. Nubian kinship terms, in: Thilo C. Schadeberg and Roger M. Blench (eds.), Nuba Mountain Languages Studies, 423-432. Köln: Köppe.
- 2013 (with El-Shafie El-Guzuuli). Perception verbs and their semantics in Dongolawi (Nile Nubian), in: Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and Anne Storch (eds.), Perception and Cognition in Language and Culture, pp. 193-215. Leiden: Brill.
- 2011 (with Jade Comfort). The verb 'to give' as a verbal extension in Uncunwee (Kordofan Nubian), in: R. Kramer, H. Tröbs, R. Kastenholz (eds.), Afrikanische Sprachen im Fokus (Afrikanistentage, 9), pp. 27-35. Cologne: Koeppe.
- 2011. Split-S in Beria, in: Doris Löhr, Eva Rothmaler, Georg Ziegelmeyer (eds.), Kanuri, Borno and Beyond. Current Studies on the Lake Chad Region, pp. 91-116. Cologne: Köppe.
- 2010. Morphosyntax und Semantik der Medium-Verben im Beria (Saharanisch), in: Armin R. Bachmann, Christliebe El Mogharbel, Katja Himstedt (eds.) Form und Struktur in der Sprache, Festschrift für Elmar Ternes, pp. 161-185. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- 2008. Nubian, in: Kees Verstegh (ed.), Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, 3: 435-439. Leiden: Brill.
- 2007. Semantics and Syntax of Motion Verbs in Beria (Saharan), in: Angelika Mietzner & Yvonne Treis (eds.): Encoding Motion. Case Studies from Africa (Annual Publication in African Linguistics, 5), pp. 113-126. Cologne : Köppe.
- 2006. The loss of syllable-final Proto-Nubian consonants, in: Al-Amin Abu-Manga, Leoma Gilley, Anne Storch (eds.), Insights into Nilo-Saharan Language, History and Culture (Nilo-Saharan, 23), pp. 215-228. Cologne: Koeppe.
- 2006. Focus in an active/agentive system – the case of Beria (Saharan), in: Ines Fiedler & Anne Schwarz (eds.), Papers on Information Structure in African Languages (ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 46), pp. 129-142. Berlin: Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft.
- 2005. Aspekt im Beria (Saharanisch), in: Gerald Heusing (ed.), Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zum 16. Afrikanistentag (Beiträge zur Afrikanistik, 15), pp. 85-115. Hamburg: LIT.
- 2002. Medium im Beria (Saharanisch), in: Theda Schumann, Mechthild Reh, Roland Kiessling, Ludwig Gerhardt (eds.), Aktuelle Forschungen zu afrikanischen Sprachen, pp. 157-170. Cologne: Köppe.
- 2000 (with Joachim Crass). Der Kube-Dialekt des Beria (Zaghawa) im Tschad – eine erste Skizze, in: Afrika und Übersee, 83: 3-46.
- 2000. Zur Rekonstruktion der proto-kordofannubischen Vokale, in: Rainer Voßen, Angelika Mietzner, Antje Meißner (eds.), „Mehr als nur Worte ...“ Afrikanistische Beiträge zum 65. Geburtstag von Franz Rottland, pp. 311-325. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe.
- 1995. Roland C. Stevenson (1915-1991). Sein Beitrag zur Sprachforschung im Sudan, in: Markus Wauschkuhn and Karl Wohlmuth (eds.), Die Sudanforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ergebnisse der Bremer Tagung 1993, pp. 187-200. Münster and Hamburg: LIT.
- 1993. The state of research on Nubian languages and the contribution of linguists to the study of Nubian origins, in: Ismail H. Abdalla with David Sconyers (eds.), Perspectives and Challenges in the Development of Sudanese Studies, pp. 59-73. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press.
- 1992 (with Roland C. Stevenson and Franz Rottland). The verb in Nyimang and Dinik, in: Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (Cologne), 32: 5-64.
- 1992. Ethnonyms and language names as indicators of group identities – a case study from the Nuba Mountains, in: Sudan: Environment and People. Second International Sudan Studies Conference, Conference Papers, 3, pp. 155-165. University of Durham, Sudan Archive.
- 1991 (with Franz Rottland). Loan word evidence from the Nuba Mountains: Kordofan Nubian and the Nyimang Group, in: Daniela Mendel and Ulrike Claudi (eds.), Ägypten im afro-orientalischen Kontext. Aufsätze zur Archäologie, Geschichte und Sprache eines unbegrenzten Raumes. Gedenkschrift Peter Behrens (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere), pp. 249-269. Cologne: University of Cologne, Institut für Afrikanistik.
- 1990 (with Ali Obeid Braima). Sudan Arabic loanwords in Kadaru, a Kordofan Nubian dialect, in: Bernhard Streck (ed.), Tradition, Migration, Notstand – Themen heutiger Sudanethnographie, pp. 55-67. Göttingen: Edition Re.
- 1975 (with Herrmann Jungraithmayr). Amasi, Ambele und Asumbo – Klassensprachen aus dem nördlichen Westkamerun (‘Mamfe’-Bantu), in: Africana Marburgensia, 8 (1): 56-66, 8 (2): 30-42.